"Summer lovin’ had me a blast ~ summer lovin’ happened so fast
I met a girl crazy for me ~ I met a boy, cute as can be
Summer days driftin’ away, to uh-oh those summer nights
(wella, wella, wella – oom) Tell me more, tell me more, did you get very far?
Tell me more, tell me more, like, does he have a car?"
Last week I fainted; today, I'm swooning. You guessed it, I have a new love! In truth, it's not so new; we've been seeing each other in secret for some time now. Actually, every Friday night for the past couple of months. It was sort of casual in New York City, and at times very difficult because of the long-distance. You see, he's an Angelino. But now that I've relocated to Tinsel Town it's been much easier for us to see one another. We've really spent some quality time together and have even had some adventures. And I have to say, he's an incredible boyfriend. He's smart (I'd go so far as to suspect that he might be a genius); he's funny; and, he's classically handsome. True, he's a litltle neruotic; but hey - who isn't these days? And in this town? Besides, he's very clean (meticulous, even ) and always does the dishes after dinner. I know, I know - you want me to cut to the chase; you just wanna know who in the hell this new man in my life IS.

Yes, he is none other than Tony Shaloub.

Hey - if some people can have

I remember leaving the safety of home for the first time. I packed up my Go-Go's posters and my parachute pants, said goodbye to South Florida and to adolescence, and landed at the University of Florida. Looking back, I made friends relatively easily; I usually do. But I also recall lonely times in the dormitory; the nights spent pining for good times with good friends. On Halloween that first fall, when my roommates - and seemingly the entire campus - had gone out drinking 'till they dropped. I stayed home to watch bad horror movies, having bought a dozen Krispy Kreme doughnuts and a six-pack of bad beer.

Now that I find myself once again

Thanks for being there every Friday night, Tony - and for all of the laughs.
Am now wondering if I'm a real friend or an imaginary one? A virtually real semi-imaginary friend.
We've already met up more often here than we've been able to in person for more than a decade! (Sheesh, now I feel old!)
I'll be happy to drink a glass of wine with you! But with the time difference that could become kind of an adventure-- unless you're willing to heft a glass at 9am your time! :-)
Enjoy your summer romance and please keep us posted as events unfold...
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